28 May 2024

A Day to Remember for Newcastle Thunder: Success On and Off the Pitch

I am thrilled to share my delight following an incredibly successful day both on and off the pitch

As Chairman of Newcastle Thunder, I am thrilled to share my delight following an incredibly successful day both on and off the pitch. The atmosphere at Gateshead International Stadium was electric, and the events that unfolded made it a day to remember for our club, players and loyal fans.

From the moment the gates opened, the sense of excitement was palpable. Our match against Rochdale, widely anticipated as one of the most competitive fixtures of the season, did not disappoint. The intensity on the field was matched by the enthusiasm of our supporters.

The game itself was a spectacle. Both teams demonstrated exceptional skill and determination, showcasing the very best of rugby league. It was a nail-biting affair, with moments of brilliance from our squad keeping everyone on the edge of their seats. The final whistle marked not just the end of a thrilling match, but the celebration of what Newcastle Thunder stands for—resilience, passion and community.

Off the pitch, our efforts to enhance the matchday experience paid off tremendously. The bars and food offerings at Gateshead Stadium saw unprecedented success, with fans enjoying a variety of refreshments that added to the day's enjoyment. The feedback we received about the quality and variety of our food and beverage options was overwhelmingly positive, reflecting our commitment to providing a top-notch experience for all attendees.

One of the most heart warming moments of the day was the post-match interaction between the players, coaches, and fans. After a hard-fought game, it was wonderful to see our community come together to celebrate. Coaches shared insights and praised the team's performance, while players took the time to engage with supporters, sign autographs, and take photos. This connection between the team and our fans is what makes Newcastle Thunder unique, fostering a strong sense of unity and shared purpose.

Looking ahead, this successful day sets a high standard for what we can achieve. It reaffirms our dedication to not only striving for excellence on the field but also ensuring that every matchday is a memorable and enjoyable experience for our fans. We are committed to building on this momentum, continuing to enhance our offerings, and delivering exciting rugby league action.

Thank you to everyone who made this day possible—the players for their outstanding performance, the fans for their unwavering support, and the staff for their hard work behind the scenes. Together, we are Newcastle Thunder, and together, we will continue to rise.

With sincere gratitude and excitement for the future,

Keith Christie
Chairman, Newcastle Thunder

